it's really good to hear your voice saying my name..
Currently playing: Hinder - Lips of An Angel
i'm supposed to be studying.. but here i am.. uploading pictures. and i've got no mood to study. bah. was soooo disgusted looking at some stuff.. yucks.
3 weeks more till i go back Malaysia.. will someone take my ticket and go home for me?:)
more pictures from 2nd-hanging-out at Alex's house.
edited: CAN THESE STUPID PICTURES BE UPLOADED ANY SLOWER? DAMNIT. i need to leave this room. disgustingness. LIBRARY LIBRARY HERE I COME! for once i'm so glad i'm going there. and i get to eat maccas fries:P

all of us.. except Alex being the cameraman.

yummss hot pot

busy digging in..

most of the girls..

dave in between two chicks


loving this? :P

and finally to end.. myself!:P
i'm supposed to be studying.. but here i am.. uploading pictures. and i've got no mood to study. bah. was soooo disgusted looking at some stuff.. yucks.
3 weeks more till i go back Malaysia.. will someone take my ticket and go home for me?:)
more pictures from 2nd-hanging-out at Alex's house.
edited: CAN THESE STUPID PICTURES BE UPLOADED ANY SLOWER? DAMNIT. i need to leave this room. disgustingness. LIBRARY LIBRARY HERE I COME! for once i'm so glad i'm going there. and i get to eat maccas fries:P

all of us.. except Alex being the cameraman.

yummss hot pot

busy digging in..

most of the girls..

dave in between two chicks


loving this? :P

and finally to end.. myself!:P