« Home | one heart half filled with the dreams of a saint, ... » | and even though we've moved on, it gets so hard to... » | you weren't there when i was scared.. » | 你到底要跟我 还是他.. » | and so we disconnect.. » | and with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave.. » | if love was a light, then we're lost in the dark.. » | no matter how much your heart is aching, there is ... » | Hoooooolyy shit! » | 我捨不得去忘記, 我們快樂的過去.. » 

Monday, May 21, 2007 

and all I know is you’ve got to give me everything, nothing less cause you know I give you all of me..

Currently playing: Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning

Today I bumped into a couple who were both friends of mine whom I have not really talked for quite some time. So we talked to each other for a little while I was walking back since we were all heading towards the same direction. They looked happy. Somehow everything felt so normal, as though life's just like that, nothing has happened. I didn't know whether to be happy for them or not to be on behalf of my good friend. I didn't know whether I had put on a fake smile or a genuine one, but they seem friendly and warm, I guess what has been done is done. There's nothing we can do but to forgive.

That makes me ponder on whether would anything have changed if we could turn back time? Do we look back in regrets for doing things that should not been done or should have been done?

Hearts might still have been broken, things that should be done somehow wouldn't get done, things that should not be done somehow would occur..

That leads to a conclusion.. probably life is just unfair. It never was. Why do some people have better lives than others? Did those who have better lives now do things that would somehow lead them to a better life now? Would you be doing good now in order for you to get a better life in your next life? Why are some people born normal and why are some not? Why do some have to suffer while the rest just lead a happy life without worries?

So are you going to be doing any good deeds today, in order to have a better life in your next life? Is there such thing as reincarnation? Luck? Fate? Or are they all written in the stars..?


About HER

  • I'm Wei Cheng
  • From Acton, Canberra, Australia
  • . Going on 21 this year . studying in ANU . am a little teapot, short and stout:p . loves sleeping .
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About HIM

  • I'm Hon Faai
  • From Subang Jaya
  • Im the greatest, you're not
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