we could be more than just amazing..
Currently playing: Westlife - Amazing
someone help me with law? i don't even freaking know how to start doing. gods. i got to finish this before tuesday! helphelphelp :| oh well.. so much for wanting to do work yesterday.. i ended up going out again at night till morning:P release stress for not doing work? i'd probably die early due to liver failure man for the alcohol consumption and for sleeping when sun is rising and my instant noodles consumption. oh well.. am boredboredbored now and i don't wanna do my workworkwork.. therefore, picspicspics for now. sorry gone a little cuckoo today!=p

in the car.. waiting for sophie to come out=p

the kissing face? ahhaa.. muahhhh!

the supposedly "cool" face but failed. totally.

sophie and i!

charith and i!

amish and anthony who didn't wanna pose for the camera.

so does dave.. haha

wenwen's famous posing style.
someone help me with law? i don't even freaking know how to start doing. gods. i got to finish this before tuesday! helphelphelp :| oh well.. so much for wanting to do work yesterday.. i ended up going out again at night till morning:P release stress for not doing work? i'd probably die early due to liver failure man for the alcohol consumption and for sleeping when sun is rising and my instant noodles consumption. oh well.. am boredboredbored now and i don't wanna do my workworkwork.. therefore, picspicspics for now. sorry gone a little cuckoo today!=p

in the car.. waiting for sophie to come out=p

the kissing face? ahhaa.. muahhhh!

the supposedly "cool" face but failed. totally.

sophie and i!

charith and i!

amish and anthony who didn't wanna pose for the camera.

so does dave.. haha

wenwen's famous posing style.