words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup..
Currently playing: Rufus Wainwright - Across The Universe
this is what middle north people do when they're bored and feel like posing.

Middle North's corridor

it started off with hong yin who suddenly felt like taking pictures of our corridor! haha then they asked me to help them take a picture. look at their happy faces:)

then came in me! haha.. with sean becoming the photographer. gods we're such posers! haha. don't we just look natural after many years of practising?

hong yin with balloons on her door!

ai lin posing with her angelic thing and her cool necklace! i wanna get them!

sean looking.. uhh.. =x haha.. just look and tell them what you think.

me with ai lin's necklace in front of my door! haha yes yes.. see all the three yellow papers which are supposed to be "fu" done by sean-.= the supposedly "kuan yin ma".

there.. see.. you don't come praying with joss sticks but indo mee alright? haha! i'm a cool "kuan yin ma". tell me your wishes and i'll TRY to make them come true.. (the more instant noodles you give, then the more your wishes MIGHT come true) :P
this is what middle north people do when they're bored and feel like posing.

Middle North's corridor

it started off with hong yin who suddenly felt like taking pictures of our corridor! haha then they asked me to help them take a picture. look at their happy faces:)

then came in me! haha.. with sean becoming the photographer. gods we're such posers! haha. don't we just look natural after many years of practising?

hong yin with balloons on her door!

ai lin posing with her angelic thing and her cool necklace! i wanna get them!

sean looking.. uhh.. =x haha.. just look and tell them what you think.

me with ai lin's necklace in front of my door! haha yes yes.. see all the three yellow papers which are supposed to be "fu" done by sean-.= the supposedly "kuan yin ma".

there.. see.. you don't come praying with joss sticks but indo mee alright? haha! i'm a cool "kuan yin ma". tell me your wishes and i'll TRY to make them come true.. (the more instant noodles you give, then the more your wishes MIGHT come true) :P