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Thursday, March 16, 2006 

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Currently playing: Korn - Twisted Transistor

Wow, it's been a while since i've contributed anything into here. Certainly hope i'm not forgotten :D anyway, just a quick update. Life has been rather hectic with studies (studies, tute works, attending classes, assignments, u get the idea)

Apart from that, any changes in my life recently is definately the polluction around my place. Yep, my dad decided to have the house renovated because he thinks it's getting old and needs to be refurbish. Renovation works started about 2 - 3 weeks ago and you bet the air i'm breathing here day in day out has been poor. Was pondering on the idea of snapping some photos of the work but i decided not in the end because i was too lazy (no la, actually i was rather too health concious and didnt want to stay outdoor too long :P )

To keep up with the picture-posting-count happening around, here i enclose a pic i snapped while i was driving back home from sunway;

cute leh? dont ask me what car is that. frankly i dont know. infact, i know very little about cars. you guys google it and tell me.. GO FIGURE!

ps: anyone has doraemon's theme song ? a sudden crave to hear it!

About HER

  • I'm Wei Cheng
  • From Acton, Canberra, Australia
  • . Going on 21 this year . studying in ANU . am a little teapot, short and stout:p . loves sleeping .
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About HIM

  • I'm Hon Faai
  • From Subang Jaya
  • Im the greatest, you're not
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