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Monday, March 13, 2006 

snow in spring

Currently playing: Ne-yo - So sick.

I felt sick last night, didn't think that it would be anything serious and I would be waking up just fine the next day. Guess not, my stomach's sore, and my head hurts like someone just hit me with a baseball bat. Well maybe I'm exagerating but hey, I'm really sick this time, give me some credit! I only get sick once a year. Hehe.

I'm gona try my best to stay home today, only one class in Uni after all. Urgh, feels like shit when you're sick huh. Oh wells!

p/s: Sorry I haven't updated anything interesting lately, maybe cos' I'm not hiphophappenin' like *cough* *ahem* *cough*. ;-)

About HER

  • I'm Wei Cheng
  • From Acton, Canberra, Australia
  • . Going on 21 this year . studying in ANU . am a little teapot, short and stout:p . loves sleeping .
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About HIM

  • I'm Hon Faai
  • From Subang Jaya
  • Im the greatest, you're not
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