i can only breathe your name..
Currently playing: Simon and Garfunkle - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Haven't been doing any work these days! that's bad.. really bad.. i should be doing my assignment or probably my tutorial work.. but here i am blogging and msning! hehe this is bad foreducation health!
Last night, Toshi, Eu Liang, Arthur and i went to the casino. it was my first time into a casino. Canberra's casino is kinda small and toshi, the regular customer, led us to the roulette table. And there we spent about 2 hours, losing our money:( eu liang and i lost about $40 which is considered little compared to Toshi about $100 and Arthur about $200. i need $$$! i'm a poor little girl.. hehe after that, we went to Oporto! it's been a while since i've eaten there.. their chilli burger is really good!
Came back about 12 something then Sean was feeling hungry, therefore, we thought of heading to B&G to steal some food as well as cook instant noodles since the Malaysian Society is there cooking for picnic day the next day. went there and they were all so busy preparing the satay for tomorrow, so helped them out a little while sean went to cook his instant noodles. poor people had to stay up till so late while lazy cheng came back about 3am, and some had a little rest only then they had to get up and continue helping out! Malaysians rock:)

had to arrange the satays closely to save time.

look at the amount of satays that needed to be cooked!
Slept for about 5 hours plus, then i had to get up to get ready to go for picnic day which started at about 11am, but we.. are always late as usual=P we ended up going there about 12 plus. hehe some food was already gone by then.. but i managed to eat the nasi lemak as well as the satay! the food was pretty good since it's been 2 months without nasi lemak, for all the effort that they have put in, they deserve compliments man!:)

me and my sister, sam posing before heading out!=p

sam, yiling and i! hehe

this is where it was held..

tug of war! haha

Patrick, Joe, Bryon, David, Nathan and Eu liang. ahha the winning team. their prize was a whole load of "Home Brand" stuff. haha for those who don't know what "Home Brand" is.. it's a brand by WoolWorths.. heh

there.. US again! hehehehhe! what's a day without pictures right!?


nice scenery? that sharp pointy thing is Telstra Tower. i should always remind myself that. if i do ask justina again what it is, i'd probably get some smacking. haha

this is to end my entry for today... hehee
Haven't been doing any work these days! that's bad.. really bad.. i should be doing my assignment or probably my tutorial work.. but here i am blogging and msning! hehe this is bad for
Last night, Toshi, Eu Liang, Arthur and i went to the casino. it was my first time into a casino. Canberra's casino is kinda small and toshi, the regular customer, led us to the roulette table. And there we spent about 2 hours, losing our money:( eu liang and i lost about $40 which is considered little compared to Toshi about $100 and Arthur about $200. i need $$$! i'm a poor little girl.. hehe after that, we went to Oporto! it's been a while since i've eaten there.. their chilli burger is really good!
Came back about 12 something then Sean was feeling hungry, therefore, we thought of heading to B&G to steal some food as well as cook instant noodles since the Malaysian Society is there cooking for picnic day the next day. went there and they were all so busy preparing the satay for tomorrow, so helped them out a little while sean went to cook his instant noodles. poor people had to stay up till so late while lazy cheng came back about 3am, and some had a little rest only then they had to get up and continue helping out! Malaysians rock:)

had to arrange the satays closely to save time.

look at the amount of satays that needed to be cooked!
Slept for about 5 hours plus, then i had to get up to get ready to go for picnic day which started at about 11am, but we.. are always late as usual=P we ended up going there about 12 plus. hehe some food was already gone by then.. but i managed to eat the nasi lemak as well as the satay! the food was pretty good since it's been 2 months without nasi lemak, for all the effort that they have put in, they deserve compliments man!:)

me and my sister, sam posing before heading out!=p

sam, yiling and i! hehe

this is where it was held..

tug of war! haha

Patrick, Joe, Bryon, David, Nathan and Eu liang. ahha the winning team. their prize was a whole load of "Home Brand" stuff. haha for those who don't know what "Home Brand" is.. it's a brand by WoolWorths.. heh

there.. US again! hehehehhe! what's a day without pictures right!?


nice scenery? that sharp pointy thing is Telstra Tower. i should always remind myself that. if i do ask justina again what it is, i'd probably get some smacking. haha

this is to end my entry for today... hehee