maybe this year will be better than the last..
Currently playing: The Corrs - Everybody Hurts
Watched Hostel on Saturday with Toshi, Eu Liang, David and Joe. Half of the show is practically all about nudity.. which only interests the guys, all the hot chicks in the sauna in the towels half naked. It was quite a boring show.. except for some disgusting parts.. especially where the guy was cutting off the japanese girl's eye as it was dangling down. when he did that, the pus all started flowing out.. so delicious? after the movie, practically the whole journey walking back to Bruce Hall, the topic was about torturing and deaths.
today, i was sitting in front of my comp, and there wasn't anything to do.. so there i went opening my pocket file which has all my old pictures as well as birthday cards, letters and such. haven't really opened it since i packed it in last year to put them in the storage. it's nice looking at all the old pictures and reading few letters.. brings back memories.. good, bad, whatever it is.. they're all in the past. A toast to a new beginning for a new year? and to you? hehe:)
and therefore, an idea came up to me while i was going through the pictures. since Justina has been with me ever since form 1 till now, i shall therefore post up pictures to see the revolution in us! This will be my 8th year and about 2 months plus knowing her! hehe where's my present?!:P we always wonder how we actually end up going to the same uni as well as coming Australia together. it was what we used to talk about during high school in form 4 while we were in the chemistry lab fantasizing what it would be like to study in Australia, though our plans were to different places at that point. You were to go to Perth and I to Melbourne. after form 5, we headed off to different colleges and we rarely kept in contact at the point. If it wasn't for Jati's reunions, i bet we wouldn't be talking about heading to the same uni which was Monash at that point. haha how funny how i asked you to stay in Monash instead of going overseas as your mom wanted you to do so.. and then few months later i had to persuade you to go overseas. sorry fickle minded wei cheng=p and now.. in the end, we didn't end up in both the places we talked about.. but Canberra. how weird and funny we ended up here. i know i was the one who persuaded you to come last year though you were quite reluctant at first.. but i do hope Canberra's doing you good now:) Thanks for being there when i needed:) i don't really have pictures from each year but this will do i hope..

this was taken when we were in form 2 (yesyes i look funny.. i was blinking i think when they snapped this.. ish!). we had to perform for i-forgotten-what-the-night was (oh it's called Malam Nostalgia) in Sunway hotel. we practised lots for it.. how i miss those days where we used to go to Justina's dad's gym and practise in the mornings..

form 5 Jati class picture. there are only 8 girls in our class. spot us!:P

after form 5. early of 2004, 4/2/04, small gathering in mc dees in centrepoint.. gods my hair! haha..

end of 2004.. our hair looks different again!

early 2005.. at my house learning to bake cake=p

going through 2005. our shopping outings.. and our funny poses-.=

a nice one..

22/04/05.. hehe.. during our 4th jati reunion i think. if i'm not mistaken.. we three were in white:) nice combination isn't it?

when we first reached Canberra.. feels like a long time ago..

that's us NOW:)
Watched Hostel on Saturday with Toshi, Eu Liang, David and Joe. Half of the show is practically all about nudity.. which only interests the guys, all the hot chicks in the sauna in the towels half naked. It was quite a boring show.. except for some disgusting parts.. especially where the guy was cutting off the japanese girl's eye as it was dangling down. when he did that, the pus all started flowing out.. so delicious? after the movie, practically the whole journey walking back to Bruce Hall, the topic was about torturing and deaths.
today, i was sitting in front of my comp, and there wasn't anything to do.. so there i went opening my pocket file which has all my old pictures as well as birthday cards, letters and such. haven't really opened it since i packed it in last year to put them in the storage. it's nice looking at all the old pictures and reading few letters.. brings back memories.. good, bad, whatever it is.. they're all in the past. A toast to a new beginning for a new year? and to you? hehe:)
and therefore, an idea came up to me while i was going through the pictures. since Justina has been with me ever since form 1 till now, i shall therefore post up pictures to see the revolution in us! This will be my 8th year and about 2 months plus knowing her! hehe where's my present?!:P we always wonder how we actually end up going to the same uni as well as coming Australia together. it was what we used to talk about during high school in form 4 while we were in the chemistry lab fantasizing what it would be like to study in Australia, though our plans were to different places at that point. You were to go to Perth and I to Melbourne. after form 5, we headed off to different colleges and we rarely kept in contact at the point. If it wasn't for Jati's reunions, i bet we wouldn't be talking about heading to the same uni which was Monash at that point. haha how funny how i asked you to stay in Monash instead of going overseas as your mom wanted you to do so.. and then few months later i had to persuade you to go overseas. sorry fickle minded wei cheng=p and now.. in the end, we didn't end up in both the places we talked about.. but Canberra. how weird and funny we ended up here. i know i was the one who persuaded you to come last year though you were quite reluctant at first.. but i do hope Canberra's doing you good now:) Thanks for being there when i needed:) i don't really have pictures from each year but this will do i hope..

this was taken when we were in form 2 (yesyes i look funny.. i was blinking i think when they snapped this.. ish!). we had to perform for i-forgotten-what-the-night was (oh it's called Malam Nostalgia) in Sunway hotel. we practised lots for it.. how i miss those days where we used to go to Justina's dad's gym and practise in the mornings..

form 5 Jati class picture. there are only 8 girls in our class. spot us!:P

after form 5. early of 2004, 4/2/04, small gathering in mc dees in centrepoint.. gods my hair! haha..

end of 2004.. our hair looks different again!

early 2005.. at my house learning to bake cake=p

going through 2005. our shopping outings.. and our funny poses-.=

a nice one..

22/04/05.. hehe.. during our 4th jati reunion i think. if i'm not mistaken.. we three were in white:) nice combination isn't it?

when we first reached Canberra.. feels like a long time ago..

that's us NOW:)