say what you mean
Was talking to you until 6, you went to bed but I decided to stay on a lil' longer. Guess I couldn't sleep after that which sucked and had to wake up at like, 10AM anyway, so I decided to just watch some movies and head out later for the Malaysian society thing at the beach. Date Movie and Final Destination 3 was alright, Date Movie was freakin funny and FD3 just wasn't impressing enough.
Here's some pics : ).

nicole and I ( man I'm starting to look lala-ish )

me and emily

emily, nicole and I

ken, me, emily and jeanette


oh the 'kawaii' posing started -.-


they made me do it



ice creammmm


we were normal..

then it started..

gettin' wild!
p/s: that's the Malaysian club president :) the guy btw.

lastly, the superbike !

I got on !

backed it out nice and slowww

I was actually goin at 60km/ph!
After it all, just went to my friend's 21st, felt tired and slept in one of their rooms for like 2hours, woke up, and headed back haha.
What a day -_-.
Here's some pics : ).

nicole and I ( man I'm starting to look lala-ish )

me and emily

emily, nicole and I

ken, me, emily and jeanette


oh the 'kawaii' posing started -.-


they made me do it



ice creammmm


we were normal..

then it started..

gettin' wild!
p/s: that's the Malaysian club president :) the guy btw.

lastly, the superbike !

I got on !

backed it out nice and slowww

I was actually goin at 60km/ph!
After it all, just went to my friend's 21st, felt tired and slept in one of their rooms for like 2hours, woke up, and headed back haha.
What a day -_-.