love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight..
Currently playing: Disagree - Crumbs
Went to Mooseheads last night with about 7 people! hehe we had funfunfun!:D there were cheap drinks and we ordered about 10 jugs which cost about $4 each and i don't know how many bourbon shots which cost $1 each. we kept toasting with one another and made hell lots of noise! though clubs really isn't my place, but with the right crowd, it's really fun! heh. and as you all know, wei cheng doesn't dance but she was forced up there last night-.= the pictures will show how crazy we were:) there were about 100+ pictures take in just one night.. madness. when there's wei cheng, there's camwhoring! so, till the next night... weeeeee..!

when we were walking there.. see everyone still looks alright!

toshi, wei cheng, phoebe, ai lin, hong yin and wong! still not yet start drinking.. hehee..

uhhh.. heheee ai lin's a lucky person?:P

look at those alcoholics!=p

phoebe, ai lin, sean and i!

hehe a nice group pic


us girls!


(anti clockwise)phoebe, ai lin, me, kenny, sean and hong yin.noticing the difference in the change of colour of the faces?:P

rupert, sean, wei cheng, sam and i'm not too sure what his name is=p

we are happy people!

hong yin and i!

top of the dance floor..-.=


issac(if that's how his name is spelled), me, sean, diana, ai lin and kenny.

the girls outside of mooseheads!

there, we were trying to change phoebe's boots to her slippers.. ahaha hong yin and i were like having trouble changing them for her! they won't come out!!

hehee.. everyone's like looking at phoebe. ai lin just chilling while i'm still smsing=p

on the way back hehee..

all of us!

at North quad. ahaha

they can still pose.. man.. hehee not bad.
Went to Mooseheads last night with about 7 people! hehe we had funfunfun!:D there were cheap drinks and we ordered about 10 jugs which cost about $4 each and i don't know how many bourbon shots which cost $1 each. we kept toasting with one another and made hell lots of noise! though clubs really isn't my place, but with the right crowd, it's really fun! heh. and as you all know, wei cheng doesn't dance but she was forced up there last night-.= the pictures will show how crazy we were:) there were about 100+ pictures take in just one night.. madness. when there's wei cheng, there's camwhoring! so, till the next night... weeeeee..!

when we were walking there.. see everyone still looks alright!

toshi, wei cheng, phoebe, ai lin, hong yin and wong! still not yet start drinking.. hehee..

uhhh.. heheee ai lin's a lucky person?:P

look at those alcoholics!=p

phoebe, ai lin, sean and i!

hehe a nice group pic


us girls!


(anti clockwise)phoebe, ai lin, me, kenny, sean and hong yin.noticing the difference in the change of colour of the faces?:P

rupert, sean, wei cheng, sam and i'm not too sure what his name is=p

we are happy people!

hong yin and i!

top of the dance floor..-.=


issac(if that's how his name is spelled), me, sean, diana, ai lin and kenny.

the girls outside of mooseheads!

there, we were trying to change phoebe's boots to her slippers.. ahaha hong yin and i were like having trouble changing them for her! they won't come out!!

hehee.. everyone's like looking at phoebe. ai lin just chilling while i'm still smsing=p

on the way back hehee..

all of us!

at North quad. ahaha

they can still pose.. man.. hehee not bad.