Halo Halo
Hari ini, Jen dan saya telah pergi ke Sunway Pyramid. Kita pergi sana kerana hendak tukar saiz baju Top Shop yang rakan rakan uni aku belikan untuk gua bagi bday present. Dia orang belikan ku size kecik. wa mau size medium mmkay? wa punya b0dy sangat besar dan macho! mereka tai siew ngor. anyway, lepas tukar baju, jen and saya telah pergi jalan jalan cari makan. mana tau, tarak tempat chun. jadi kita jalan keluar itu oasis boulevard to search makan place. Lepas turn left turn right, kita telah berputus untuk makan kat tempat ni name "Halo Cafe". Makanan standard aje, minuman bagus. Tapi sikit mahal sebab tempat tuh ialah macam tempat hard rock cafe. Ada performance masa malam mia. Too bad, kita pigi afternoon, habuk pun tarak. Cuma ada waitress cantik.
Green Apple Milk Tea untuk gua, Chocolate Blended for Jen. (gua mia drink lagi best dari jen's)
Gua mia club sandwich. So so aje. Tapi fries dia best la. manyak crispy!
Jen order fried rice. I ada rasa sikit sikit. Not bad ler.
Stage dimana singer singer jemputan suppose 2 performance. Nak karaoke pun boleh sebenarnya.
edited: pu nia bu, kanineh ccb. i just recieve a really sad,heartbreaking,devastasting news. my dad is planning to get my brother the new civic or if he gets flying color results for his mid term, the smart coupe when he gets his license in may.fcuk. life is unfair. fcuk fcuk fcuk fcuk. i'm gonna pwn3d it if he ever gets any of those two. GRR! what's with asian parent's mentality on spoiling the youngest and only ignoring the oldest! brgh!
-a very dissatisfy faai tonight!

Green Apple Milk Tea untuk gua, Chocolate Blended for Jen. (gua mia drink lagi best dari jen's)

Gua mia club sandwich. So so aje. Tapi fries dia best la. manyak crispy!

Jen order fried rice. I ada rasa sikit sikit. Not bad ler.

Stage dimana singer singer jemputan suppose 2 performance. Nak karaoke pun boleh sebenarnya.
edited: pu nia bu, kanineh ccb. i just recieve a really sad,heartbreaking,devastasting news. my dad is planning to get my brother the new civic or if he gets flying color results for his mid term, the smart coupe when he gets his license in may.fcuk. life is unfair. fcuk fcuk fcuk fcuk. i'm gonna pwn3d it if he ever gets any of those two. GRR! what's with asian parent's mentality on spoiling the youngest and only ignoring the oldest! brgh!
-a very dissatisfy faai tonight!